Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Carnival Raises Nearly $3,000 for Caleb Thesman!


I would like to thank all of the people involved with Carnival for Caleb and am amazed at how well it went. I tried to capture somewhat of what I was feeling when I spoke that day but it really is such an amazing blessing. About a year ago I went through a period of what is referred to as "survivor's guilt." I had feelings like, "Why did I make it when so many others didn't?" I was struggling in my journey with the Lord at that point and have made great strides since then.

Really, when I experience things like the outpouring of love and support at the carnival, those feelings seem completely illogical. The reason I made it is because God has a very important purpose for me and I am forever grateful to all who helped and donated to me.

Praise the Lord for you all!

Caleb Thesman
Three-Year Cancer Survivor


What an incredible blessing to see so many people support my son at the Carnival for Caleb! Many thanks to all of you who participated and gave of your time and provisions to add to Caleb's medical account. We felt the love of God surrounding us and represented by all of you. Thank you so much for all you have done. You have made a difference in our lives. In return, we pray God's blessings on you.

Rebecca Thesman
Communications / Administration

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